Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Missing my wife

My wife, VirĂ¡g (on the picture) left town for three days. She is visiting her parents on the countryside of Hungary. Her Mom came earlier this year and helped us with cleaning our apartment (she stayed for a week and I haven't seen anyone work as hard as she did), so now it was our turn to help.
I have to tell you. I appreciate my wife so much. It's been two and a half days with the kids (don't laugh to hard!) and I can't seem to keep the apartment clean, the laundry washed but the kids are happy. And that is what matters. And I am grateful for my wife - I mean a lot.
She is coming home tomorrow and the kids and I are making brownies to surprise her. She really like brownies.
I have also grown for my respect for single parents. So if you're one, you are my hero. I can do this for three days, but for years that seems to be quite overwhelming.
That's it for now. The Patriots are 3:0 so far. Go PATs!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My picture

This is me. We were at Cape Cod visiting some great friends the Tranchells.
I have my Boston Red socks hat on that is quite worn by now.

Friday, September 21, 2007

My First Entry to the Blog

Hi all,

This is my first entry to my blog. To be honest to any blog. I am not a blogger or hasn't been one up until now. And I'm not sure what will come out of this attempt either.
I wanted to start this blog because I was inspired by John Hoyt (a fellow minister with whom I went to school) who recently has moved to Santiago, Chile to lead the church there. (Thanks, John)
I am a Christian minister serving in the Budapest Church of Christ and helping oter Internatonal Churches of Christ in Eastern Europe. I thought that through this I will be able to communicate and encourage more people than through visits, e-mails or phone calls.
So, please, pray for me and for this effort to serve God.
