Thursday, September 15, 2011

More updates from last Summer

Schema Training in Kiev
Last July we had the opportunity to attend Schema Therapy training session taught by John & Karen Louis. It was in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

Dobogókő Excursion with Friends

Peti's Birthday Party, July 30, 2010

I (Peti) have turned 37 last July. We had a cookout to celebrate with some friends.

Family Vacation

We've done a lot of different things in our family vacation. Visited Peti's family in Veszprém and went out for a two day retreat to Fenyőfő in the Bakony mountains.
We went on a hike through the Cuha creek valley where you had to cross the creek multiple times. That was greatest fun for our kids. Unfortunately Enikő and Grandpa fell in the water at one point.

Then we were off to lake Balaton when we met with some friends including the Orsós family visiting from Bucharest. We had great weather and a lot of fun at the beach.

After that we went to Szálka to visit Virág's family and to celebrate Grandma's 60th birthday. We went on a hike, had a great time at the lake and the kids played a lot with the cousins.

Here is a slide show of all the pictures we took on vacation:

That's it for now from the Szabad Family Blog.

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